domestic, commercial and agricultural

AMP Pest Control

no job too small, give us a call on 07939964443


Despite their small size, for many people the mouse is a terrifying creature and perhaps partly fuelled by their fast and unpredictable movements. In fact there are four species of mouse living wild in the UK – the House Mouse, the Wood Mouse (also called the Field Mouse or Long Tailed Field Mouse), Yellow Necked Mouse (which are quite similar to the Wood Mouse) and the Harvest Mouse.

The two species that are a house and garden pest are the House Mouse and the Wood Mouse. House Mice are almost entirely dependant on human habitation to survive, whereas Wood Mice live in the countryside (e.g. in hedgerows) as well as houses, sheds and garages etc.

House Mouse

The adult House Mouse is small and slender – about 3-5cm long (excluding the tail). It has quite large ears, a pointed nose and small eyes. The tail is as long as the head and body combined. Its fur is usually a light grey or brown.

Wood Mouse

The Wood Mouse is slightly larger than the House Mouse, and the best way to tell them apart is by the eyes and ears which are much larger on the Wood Mouse than on its cousin.

Why it is a pest

The average mouse sheds 70 droppings in 24 hours and urinates frequently to mark its territory.

They will happily make their homes...

Mice may carry parasites and diseases that are harmful to humans and animals, including Salmonella and Listeria.

Another significant problem is the structural damage mice can cause from their gnawing and burrowing activities. This ranges from minor holes in walls/doors/furniture/cupboards to structural collapse, flooding, electrical faults and fire (due to gnawing through cables).

Biology of the Pest

Mice measure about eight centimetres in length (excluding the tail) and have an average weight of 12–22 grams. Their fur is brown/grey, with slightly lighter shading on their underside.

Mice become sexually mature in eight to ten weeks and a pair may produce eight litters each of 16 young, in a year. Multiply those and you arrive at a horrifying number of mice!

Signs of Pest Presence

Removal Methods

There are several extermination and humane options to choose from. We can advise you on each one and carry out the removal method of your choice.

Whether you need help with a one-off pest removal, or are looking for regular service visits to minimise the possibility of a pest infestation causing impact on your business...

Call us on 07939964443
Prevention is better than Cure - Working with the Environment